Dear Girls of 1903:
When I read of all the interesting things you have been doing and the various trips many of you have taken it seems scarcely worth while for me to put in writing the simple every day events of my life. I need only say above my signature, 'well and happy.'
And yes, life for me is not prosaic, yes I enjoy my home, my husband, and my church and club work.
My first interest outside of my home is in all the various organizations of the Episcopal Church here.
On June the 12th the Guild, of which I am President, held a most successful Fair, Festival, and Supper, at which we cleared over $1300 - It seemed wonderful to us in these strenuous times. One of our features was a handkerchief table with contributions from all over the country and each State of the Union. When I was checking up beforehand and found that each state was represented but Iowa, I immediately wrote Alice, and helpful as always, she sent one almost by return mail.
The Guild meets each Tuesday from October until June from ten o'clock until four in the afternoon so it does keep me busy. My next major activity is the Women's Club. We have just been presented with a beautiful new Club House, completely furnished. The building is now in course of construction but will be finished about January 1st. Our kind benefactor has also said if we raise ten thousand dollars for a Maintenance Fund she will give us that much more.
To that end we have a ways & means Committee of which Milly is chairman. I am serving on the committee, and you may be sure that we do nothing but make plans and talk Club whenever we see each other. Already, we have a thousand dollars in hand.
The Committee has just opened a thrift and opportunity shop and it seems as if it will be very successful. It will continue through the summer and fall.
Mabel Wiant sent me the Robin, as she was in New York en route to Norway and England. Milly and Lyda will each receive it from me. Meanwhile I wrote Alice Belt, but she will not be able to have it until September. As Bess Brown is so far away I shall send it to Emilie for the Baltimore 1903s.
Sometime, my husband and I expect to motor to California, so watch out for me as I expect to ring all the 1903 door bells on the way.
Daisy Murphy Matthews
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Last Updated 8/30/99.