Dear Classmates,
Where shall I begin? I do not remember just when R.R. came to me last, so I may do the unpardonable thing for one of my age- repeat. It has been a great pleasure to read what each one is doing and I only wish I were farther down the list so that I might read about more of you.
Doctor and I are plugging away as usual and instead of letting down as a few seem to be able to do I am going harder than ever. Since the girls have been out of school and my mother spends the winter half of the year with me my family is larger and there are so many many outside activities to fill my time to overflowing. I also have added a few more organizations to work for. Besides the Church work and the Women's Club, the Civic Section of which I am particularly interested, I am now treasurer of the Interdenominational School of Missions, Historian of our local Chapter D.A.R. and much interested in the International League for Peace and Freedom.
Four years ago we organized the Conococheague Chapter N.S.D.A.R. and I have been Historian. Last year I made a detailed copy of the records of an old Lutheran Church here and had the honor of presenting two volumes, containing nearly 600 typed pages at the National D.A.R. Convention at Washington in April.
On the invitation of a young Mt. Holyoke Graduate and my daughter, Elizabeth, last fall a year ago, Dr. Bussey and Dr. Williams of Goucher came up and organized a Chapter of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. We do have such interesting meetings and are slowly but surely inculcating the great necessity for world peace to the people nearby. My daughter, last year, put on a peace play, the material taken from the munitions investigations made by Congressman Gerald Nye. This was most successful. Also for several years she and a friend have had a Peace Booth at the Hagerstown Fair held each Fall.
Speaking of daughters always brings joy to a mother's heart. Elizabeth was graduated at Wellesley in 1933 a 'Wellesley Scholar' and with another Wellesley girl that summer went on a Peace Caravan, spending 8 weeks in Indiana in Peace work. This started her peace activities which she is still pursuing as a hobby. After being home for nearly 3 years doing sundry things she went to New England this winter to accept a position with the American Optical Company at Southbridge, Mass., in their research laboratory. Last week we drove up to see her and found her in her element doing just the thing that suits her, mathematical computations, optics, etc. anything that has to do with lenses.
Isabel I have managed to keep at home so far. She did not go to College but took a domestic science course at Fairmont School and Junior College in Washington. She is such a comfort at home and I am hoping she will not, too soon, want to try her wings.
I am still hoping to take a trip West and have copied the list of addresses so you may see the Millers dropping in on you at any time.
I do not know when we will have another reunion but hope nothing will prevent my going to Baltimore for it. We had such a good time two years ago especially on the boat ride.
This afternoon the D.A.R. are winding up the years activities with a picnic at President Buchanan's birthplace near Mercersburg Pennsylvania and I must close and pack the lunch.
With my best wishes for every one of you I am always
Yours most sincerely,
Louise Lawrence Miller
P.S. turn over
When I type - which you will notice by the *** is not my particular province I always have to add some thing.
P.S. A year ago last spring Helen Ome Merceriau a Goucher graduate of a much later vintage than '03 called me. Dr. Esther Crook was coming to town for some other purpose. We planned to have her come to my house and wanted all nearby Goucherites for tea. As the day was disagreeable not many came. This spring 8 of us got to Goucher and played cards. This, I believe, may be the beginning of a Goucher club for the *** Valley. I understand several nearby towns want to join with us. Only today someone asked me when we will have our picnic - The husbands of 2 Goucher women are out at the Penal Farm and we are going out there sometimes late in the summer for a picnic.
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Last Updated 8/30/99.