Dear Classmates,
First of all I want to thank Helen Hendrix for recommending an antidote for inferiority complex, for after reading the glowing accounts of my illustrious classmates, I have felt as never before the inferiority complex and will search for the book at once.
Like Mary Abercrombie my time and strength are chiefly taken up with home and family duties, and altho it does not furnish material for a thrilling letter like many of you write, I love my work and feel that I am doing that which I was intended to do.
My church activities as Sec'y and Pres. of various organizations, teacher of a young girls' Bible class, constitute the largest part of my outside work, altho I do some club work too. I've joined our French club as I read and review my French, with Frances who has been studying it for three years and enjoys it so much. Frances will finish High School next year, and then plans to go to the School of Industrial Art in Phila. This is the type of work that she is interested in, and in which she should be trained, we think.
And now for a word about our reunion. Let me thank the committee for giving me one of the most delightful thrills of my 'middle-aged' life. I never enjoyed a reunion more than I did this one. Perhaps the fact that I went and returned with Alice, her gallant husband and attractive daughter had something to do with it too. They came here for a short visit first June 28th and then we all left for Balto. Friday morning. The Flicks are an ideal family and in that atmosphere one could not help having a good time. My home coming was saddened however by finding my brother's wife seriously ill. The next evening she passed into her heavenly home. She had been an invalid for many years. So now I must try to mother another little family - my brother and his boy. My heart goes out to all those who have experienced the sad separation from loved ones. I fully understand what these bereavements mean, but I feel so that it makes us stronger and better women for having had a stop in the corners of this world.
I must not fail to tell you what a thrill I had this spring when I heard that Hattie Taylor was coming to Coatesville to live, and right near me. Her husband is pastor of our Methodist church, and altho I am now an Episcopalian I can see her frequently and renew the old college friendship. From now on Letitia I shall read 'The Spirit of Missions' with even greater interest, hoping to see something perhaps of your school in N. Carolina. As President of our Auxiliary I am deeply interested in all phases of the missionary work of the church.
Well I must sign off and let Robin start on his flight. Best wishes to you all and do all of you try to be present at the 1934 reunion. Let us capture the silver cup again.
Oh the Goucher Weekly pictorial issue has just come! I declare the 1903 group looks as young and peppy as the 1929 - that is almost!!!
Love to each and all
Your friend and classmate -
Olive F. Mast Pennegar
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Last Updated 8/27/99.