Dear Classmates:
It has been nearly three years since I last wrote a letter for a Round Robin and in that time many things have happened of greater or less interest.
We are still living on the National Highway. U.S. Highway No. 40 and only one block West of US Highway No. 11. We are always glad to see any 1903's both blood and in-laws.
Our two daughters are away at school, and have been for two years. Isabel, the younger, is at Hannah More Academy near Baltimore, where I taught for five years, after leaving College, and where I met Warren. Elizabeth finished the third in our high school, went to Highland Hall for one year, graduating a year ago and has now completed her first year at Wellesley. I know I am criticized by some for not sending Elizabeth to Goucher, and I realize very fully that I am missing many thrills by her not being there. But her heart was set on Wellesley so why should I not allow her to have her desire gratified. Then, too, from a practical standpoint there are advantages to be gained by going far enough away from home to see how the other fellow views life, to say nothing of the advantages of Campus life.
Each day brings its duties at home and in the Community. Before we obtained the franchise I did quite a little work for the Suffrage League. Then interest became divided and I was for some time undecided as to which party I should join. About a year ago I was one of the organizers of the Woman's Republican League of Washington County and held the dignified offices of Secretary and Treasurer.
The time I have to devote to Church work I give to the Woman's Auxiliary, which is the Missionary Society in our Church (the Episcopal Church).
I still love to dance and so does Warren so we manage to get out to Country Club for a dance now and then.
Our greatest pleasure, though, is our vacation each summer, when we can take the girls and go off for a trip in the car. Remembrances of a bit of exquisite scenery, snow capped Mt. Washington, the Old Man of the Mountain, the mighty St. Lawrence, all are most pleasant companions on a winter's night, when Warren is away making calls and I am alone.
Now that the girls are nearly grown and away from home the greater part of the year, I feel that I must find a hobby. When I next write I may be a most enthusiastic (hobby) horse woman.
Now about the reunion. Everyone seemed very enthusiastic. We were certainly proud of our number -24-about 50% and we only wished that the other 50% could have been there. And we enjoyed having Dr. Shefloe and the five attractive daughters as our guests at the banquet at the Lord Baltimore Hotel on Saturday night.
The only cloud over our whole reunion was the loss we felt in Ruth's not being with us for I venture to say she had been to all the formal and most of the informal reunions we have had. I feel the loss so deeply for we had been very close for many years, during our Latin School and College days, and the twenty seven years since. We sometimes would not be together for months but always picked up the thread where we had dropped it. A Goucher girl who was a teacher at the Eastern High School where Ruth taught, in writing me of Ruth's death, paid her perfect tribute when she said, 'Ruth's death will be keenly felt by all of us (teachers) for she not only would not allow herself to get into a rut but would not allow us to get into one.'
And now girls we must all look forward to our next reunion in 1934. We have a very 'peppy' committee and when they write to you be ready to reply by return mail, 'I will be there.'
Louise Davis Lawrence Miller
160 W. Washington St.,
Hagerstown, Maryland
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Last Updated 8/27/99.