My dear Classmates,
The Round Robin letters have been in my possession for over two weeks and I must send them on to Mabel Day Parker. I have greatly enjoyed reading them and it such an inspiration to me to read of the way others settle their difficulties and solve problems.
My last letter written Dec 9, 1927 told about the wedding of our oldest girl and about our church work at Allentown and Norristown. We served the Norristown church for four years and were changed this spring to Olivet Church at Coatesville. This is a very large church with a large membership so we will find plenty of work to do. I was greatly delighted when I found that we are neighbors to Olive Mast Pennegar. Her father is treasurer and a leading layman of the church, a very beautiful Christian character. He rarely misses a meeting. Olive's daughter Frances and my Dorothy go to High School together and will graduate in the same class, 1931. I have Dorothy registered for Goucher and hope she will go there with her sister Elizabeth who entered there last year. It gave me quite a thrill to drive there with her father and her last October and found she was to occupy the room at Vingolf on the 4th floor which Mollie Cullom and Helen Hendrix had our senior year. Betty likes Goucher very well. She had a good time there socially but said she had to work hard. I feel quite satisfied with her being there.
I enjoyed being at Goucher in June and attending all the Alumnae activities and meeting all my classmates. I had not seen Mary Taylor since we graduated. She has a lovely daughter who expects to go to Goucher in two years.
We had a good time at the class banquet where the fine daughters, the graduates were guests.
I had the pleasure of being brought home by the Flick family and Olive Mast Pennegar. As we live only 80 miles from Baltimore, I hope to be able to motor there once in a while to see my daughter.
Like some others who tell in their letters of the children going away from home. I had only Dorothy home last year. John married, went to Chicago for two years but got homesick, has returned to Phila. Taken a position there so we shall have them come to see us weekends, holidays, vacations, etc.
Ruth our other daughter after leaving Syracuse University has occupied various positions but has not yet seemed to find herself.
We have been very busy all spring getting settled in our new parsonage and now are trying to rest during the heated summer at mountain home. With love and best wishes to all,
Hattie Taylor Channell
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Last Updated 8/27/99.