Dear 1903's:
When Robin reached me some time ago, I sat down and read it all, and did enjoy it. Now, after waiting some time to hear who was ready to receive it, I have read it again, made some changes as Alice requested, and will send it on. I do hope it won't be so delayed anymore, and that it may have up to date news and be on hand at reunion a year from now, in case any of you can be there. We had such a good time last year all who were there will try to be back, I know, and I hope all the rest can be there too. I certainly hope to be at reunion and commencement too, as my oldest daughter, Dorothy will graduate. Our third girl, Helen, will graduate from our H.S. too, and I hope the date won't conflict. I'm mighty sorry they have to leave Goucher Hall for reunions, but I realize we had outgrown for reunions. If it is planned so we can all get together, the spirit of Goucher, may be kept. Like some of the rest of you, I do wish some way Goucher Hall could be moved to the new campus, or presented to the college some way. I know no matter how often we may go back, no new building can ever be 'college' to us.
While Robin has been here, Dr. Guth has gone, and I keep wondering if it will hinder the moving program. When college opened last fall, he told the entering class, he hoped they could graduate from the new campus. I am so anxious for the moving, as conditions are bad where they are. I have been glad to have my girls in Goucher, but would have been much more pleased if they could have been out of the city.
My old letter made me smile - it felt a bit wistful. It was written when my boy was ten days old, and all my girls still at home! No longer have I any babies - 2 girls in college, 2 in H.S. one in 4th grade, and the boy in 2nd. He won't be 7 till next month, but the other night I went to hear him play in the Rhythmic Orchestra he is a drummer. All 1st year pupils (some doing 2 years work) in band uniforms, blazing drums, triangles, bells, etc., and all as perfect as our old college friend - Boston Symphony. Their teacher is wonderful with them as they are remarkable, and the cutest thing imaginable.
We are back on the farm again after a winter in town, and it is beautiful when the sun shines. We have had such storms and freezes, today is cold and rainy, yet are thankful for we have escaped the terrible destruction storms have brought many places. I sometimes wonder if all our hilltops - valleys, break up the storms in pieces, and save us from the worst, tho' the winds certainly whistle and howl over our hilltop.
My family think I am a terrible 'paddy' but I've not been about like some of you. I envy you in some ways, yet where I go, my way always is towards my girls in Baltimore, and my mother and sister in Washington. I drove the girls back after their Easter vacation but made such a flying trip, I saw almost no one I knew.
With my babies all living out of town, I had an excuse to get out of the burden of office holding, for several years, but lately seem to be getting in deep again. I've always stayed on our library board as president, but since we fought our way to a town tax and support it the work is not strenuous. Recently I was asked to head the work to establish a county library, but for various reasons, refused, tho I think we need just such work. One of my reasons for refusal was the surprise of being elected president of our woman's ***. After being rather out of things, it looks to me as if I'd have to do some studying and going to other clubs and *** to handle it at all. Hope to drive to *** City next week for a district meeting.
Many of you have seen my older daughters, to know how poor the picture of them ***, so I'll not put in new ones and I have no recent ones of the girls. We'll put in a 2 year old one of the boy, as you've not seen him.
With deepest sympathy to all who have lost dear ones, and with best hopes and wishes to all, Until June 1930,
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Last Updated 8/27/99.