My dear Girls:
After reading my last letter written seven years ago, I have decided that my life is most uneventful.
I am still living in the same house and with the same husband. I am still active in the same organizations and still a choir singer though why they want me I am sure I don't know. You may imagine that whatever voice I did have, has long since become cracked and squeaky.
Our Woman's Club of about three hundred and fifty members is very much alive and I have held several offices *** and am the Vice President. And I want to tell you that Millie Benson Bielaski was president for two years. She was most successful and I was so proud of her.
You mothers who have nursed your children through scarlet fever will appreciate the scare I had when my husband contracted it last spring. Fortunately he was not very ill after the first few days and we did not feel much anxiety tho we had all the inconveniences of the quarantine just the same. He came through it splendidly and is in best health now.
I see Lyda and Millie often and Sara Leutz Key spent several weekends with me last winter when she was studying at Columbia. Ruth also visits me occasionally and I wish that any other 1903 who could find it convenient would do likewise.
Great Neck is only about a half hour's ride from New York City.
I have never been to any of the reunions but this year I am going to make a special effort to get there.
And now girls, let us prove our efficiency and write the letters quickly and hurry Robin on his way so that he may be with us in the reunion.
There is our face to all cries, our dear Anna Haslup. It was my good fortune to know her intimately and though our 'prep' school days as well as in College and later. There never was a more beautiful character in our whose saintly influence was more felt by those around her -
Sincerely - Daisy Murphy Matthews
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Last Updated 8/27/99.