Dear 1903 -
My last letter was written in 1921. That really surprised me, for I didn't think it had been that many years since Robin visited last. I happen to be celebrating just now with a beautiful cold so I have had plenty of time to read and enjoy all the letters- Our class was small but certainly there are many interests shown in these letters.
These last seven years have been quite free ones for me. In 1922 I was in Mexico City, too. I wish I had know Thyra was there. I went down with Mr. Bielaski on business for a two week trip but we stayed three months. Had quite a thrilling and dreadful time. We were held up by bandits - out in the hills and they kept Bruce for ransom and started me back to Mexico City to get the ransom. For three days I had no word and supposed they had killed Bruce but at the end of that time he escaped in a most unbelievable fashion. But then the Mexican Government stepped in and put about 10 dirty looking creatures on our trail. They shadowed us everywhere so that you began to feel like a real criminal. Finally in desperation we went to our Embassy to stay and there they couldn't follow. After much red tape we got back in the good old States and we were certainly joyous.
Since then I have been with Bruce twice to Central America - in 1924 just he and I made the trip- it was fine. We sailed from here to Cuba - then to Panama than up to Port *** in Costa Rica and up the beautiful mountains in San Jose. Costa Rica is a lovely place and the people fine - much more to be trusted than the Mexicans. It was such an enjoyable trip that in 192*** we took the whole family on it. The children got so much out of it. Bruce Jr. The oldest, was then in his 3rd year at Blair Academy and had been studying Spanish so he had a great time.
You can see that I am pretty much of a tramp despite my four children. But we all love to travel and can pack up and go in a moment's notice. Beside these little wanderings, I have been busy in the Workers Club, the Womans Club, and ***. We have built the first *** of our Community church which represents an investment of almost $25 000. We are hoping to start the second *** very soon.
All these families are so interesting. My own are all so big now. Bruce Jr. Finished at Blair Academy last year and is a freshman at Amherst now. Alice Dunning says her boy is there, too - I hope they find each other. Bruce has been swimming, and playing tennis a great deal.
Amelia ('B' we call her) is a Junior at the High School here in Great Neck. She is a big strong girl and in all sorts of athletic, in her Hockey Team and Basketball. Jane is also here in High School. She is a Soph. She is a bit lazy in athletics but is a very good student. She really likes to play tennis and swim and can (beat nearly any of us) but objects to giving up so much time to things when she feels she should be studying.
Bob, the youngest just finished the 8th grade, this February and is now at the High School. Next fall we may send him to Blair. Bob is a bit more into everything, and everyone likes him. His studying doesn't bother him much. Driving through Baltimore last summer we stopped at Goucher. I wanted the girls to see it. But being right in the city, it did seem not the place the girls wanted. So now we do not know if it will be Vassar or Smith for them. I had always hoped my girls would go to Goucher, but I can see how it is - the campus is an attraction.
Lets hope our Reunion next June is a great success - I'll try to make it. Daisy and I are certainly going to try if we have to take the family *** dead of night and drive. I like the idea of a printed letter.
Hoping to see most of you in June.
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Last Updated 8/27/99.