Jane Austen Collection
Critical and Biographical Materials


The following list of books, which has been developed to show the wide range of our holdings, includes literary criticism, biographical materials, social history, and bibliographies. Many other sources are available to the visitor in both the Rare Book Room and in the open stacks. Space constraints--the "little bit of ivory" of this guide--have precluded our listing every source of our reference material pertaining to Jane Austen and her world.

Adams, Oscar Fay. The Story of Jane Austen's Life, 1891.

Austen-Leigh, Mary Augusta. Personal Aspects of JaneAusten, 1920.

Austen-Leigh, James Edward. A Memoir of Jane Austen, 1870; 1906.

Austen-Leigh, William, and Austen-Leigh, Richard Arthur. Jane Austen, A Family Record, 1913

Babb, Howard. Jane Austen's Novels: The Fabric of Dialogue, 1962.

Bloom, Harold, ed. Jane Austen (Modern Critical Views), 1986.

-----. ed. Jane Austen's Emma, 1987.

-----. ed. Jane Austen's Mansfield Park, 1987.

-----. ed. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, 1987.

Bradbrook, Frank. Jane Austen and Her Predecessors, 1966.

Brown, Julia Prewitt. Jane Austen's Novels: Social Change and Literary Form, 1979.

Bush, Douglas. Jane Austen, 1975

Butler, Marilyn. Jane Austen and the War of Ideas, 1975.

Cecil, David. Jane Austen, 1935.

-----. A Portrait of Jane Austen, 1978.

Chapman, R. W. (intro) Memoir of Jane Austen, 1926.

-----. Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography, 1953.

-----. Jane Austen: Facts and Problems, 1948.

Craik, W. A. Jane Austen: The Six Novels, 1965.

Duckworth, Alistair. The Improvement of the Estate, 1971.

Fergus, Jan. Jane Austen and the Didactic Novel, 1983.

-----. Jane Austen: A Literary Life, 1991.

Firkins, O. W. Jane Austen, 1920; 1965.

Fleishman, Avrom. A Reading of Mansfield Park, 1967.

Gard, Roger. Jane Austen's Novels: The Art of Clarity, 1992.

Gillie, Christopher. A Preface to Jane Austen, 1974.

Grey, J. David, ed. Jane Austen's Beginnings, 1989.

-----. The Jane Austen Companion, 1986.

Halperin, John. The Life of Jane Austen, 1984.

-----. Jane Austen: Bicentenary Essays, 1975.

-----. Jane Austen's Lovers: and Other Studies in Fiction and History from Austen to Le Carre, 1988.

Handler, Richard, and Segal, Daniel. Jane Austen and the Fiction of Culture, 1990.

Hardy, Barbara. A Reading of Jane Austen, 1975.

Harris, Jocelyn. Jane Austen and the Question of Women's Education, 1989.

Honan, Park. Jane Austen: Her Life, 1987.

Hudson, Glenda. Sibling Love and Incest in Jane Austen's Fiction 1992.

Jenkins, Elizabeth. Jane Austen, 1938; 1949.

Johnson, Claudia. Women, Politics and the Novel, 1988.

Kaplan, Deborah. Jane Austen Among Women, 1992.

Kaye-Smith, Sheila, and Stern, G. B. More About Jane Austen, 1949.

-----. Speaking of Jane Austen, 1944.

Kirkham, Margaret. Jane Austen: Feminism and Fiction, 1983.

Lane, Maggie. Jane Austen's England, 1986.

-----. Jane Austen's Family: Through Five Generations, 1984.

Lascelles, Mary. Jane Austen and Her Art, 1939.

Laski, Marghanita. Jane Austen and Her World, 1969.

Litz, A. Walton. Jane Austen: A Study of her Artistic Development, 1965.

Llewelyn, Margaret. Jane Austen: A Character Study, 1977.

MacDonagh, Oliver. Jane Austen: Real and Imagined Worlds, 1991.

McMaster, Juliet. The Continuity of Jane Austen's Novels, 1970.

-----. Jane Austen's Achievement, 1976.

Mitton, G. E. Jane Austen and Her Times, 1905; 1906; 1917.

Moler, Kenneth. Jane Austen's Art of Illusion, 1968.

-----. Pride and Prejudice: A Study in Artistic Economy, 1989.

Monaghan, David. Jane Austen in a Social Context, 1981.

Morris, Ivor. Mr. Collins Considered: Approaches to Jane Austen, 1987.

Mudrick, Marvin. Jane Austen: Irony as Defense and Discovery, 1952.

Mukherjee, Meenakshi. Jane Austen, 1991.

Nardin, Jane. Those Elegant Decorums: The Concept of Propriety in Jane Austen's Novels, 1973.

Odmark, John. An Understanding of Jane Austen's Novels, 1981.

Page, Norman. The Language of Jane Austen, 1972.

Pellew, George. Jane Austen's Novels, 1883.

Piggott, Patrick. The Innocent Diversion: A Study of Music in the Life and Writings of Jane Austen, 1979.

Pinion, F. B. A Jane Austen Companion, 1973.

Rees, Joan. Jane Austen: Woman and Writer, 1976.

Smith, LeRoy. Jane Austen and the Drama of Woman, 1983.

Smithers, David Waldron. Jane Austen in Kent, 1981.

Southam, Brian. Critical Essays on Jane Austen, 1968.

-----, ed. Jane Austen: The Critical Heritage, 1968.

-----, ed. Jane Austen's Literary Manuscripts, 1964.

Stokes, Myra. The Language of Jane Austen, 1991.

Sulloway, Alison. Jane Austen and the Province of Womanhood, 1989.

Tanner, Tony. Jane Austen, 1986.

Tave, Stuart. Some Words of Jane Austen, 1973.

Thompson, James. Between Self and World: The Novels of Jane Austen, 1988.

Todd, Janet. Jane Austen: New Perspectives, 1983.

Tucker, George Holbert. A Goodly Heritage: A History of Jane Austen, 1983.

Vipont, Elfrida. A Little Bit of Ivory: A Life of Jane Austen, 1977.

Watt, Ian, ed. Jane Austen: A Collection of Critical Essays, 1963.

Wiesenfarth, Joseph. The Errand of Form, 1963.

Weldon, Fay. Letters to Alice on First Reading Jane Austen. 1984.

Wilks, Brian. Jane Austen, 1978.

Williams, Michael. Jane Austen: Six Novels and Their Methods, 1986.

Wilson, Mona. Jane Austen and Some Contemporaries, 1983.

Wiltshire, John. Jane Austen and the Body, 1992.

Wright, Andrew. Jane Austen's Novels: A Study in Structure, 1953.

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