addition to Camilla and A Gossip's Story, the Collection
contains a number of other titles by Jane Austen's literary contemporaries.
Some that appear in especially fine editions are titles by William Combe,
including The Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque and
The English Dance of Death and The Traditions, a Legendary Tale
(Written by a young lady).
Maria Edgeworth, on
whom Alberta Burke wrote her master's thesis, is well represented in the
collection. We also own The Northanger Set of Jane Austen Horrid Novels,
published by the Folio Press in 1968, and comprising Castle of Wolfenbach,
Clermont: a Tale, Geisterbanner, The Midnight Bell, The Mysterious Warning
The Orphan of the Rhine. Early editions of some books mentioned
by Jane Austen in her novels and letters appear elsewhere in Goucher's
rare book collection. Some examples are The Mysteries of Udolpho
by Ann Radcliffe, Robert Dodsley's A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes
a 1758 stage adaptation of The Female Quixote by Charlotte Lennox,
and The Works of Laurence Sterne (1808). An extensive run
of the Quarterly Review, as read in Mansfield Park,
is also in the Library.
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