My dear Girls,
I have enjoyed the class letters immensely and only wish there was some way we could all see all the letters, as it now is I will read less than half. However, let's keep the letters moving. I sat on my porch one quiet afternoon and read all the letters at once. Then I reflected. All the letters reflected 'past middle-age'. Can it be possible? There was great similarity in the life of all rush, hustle; work; children finishing college; grandchildren; sickness - and in some cases death. Just the *** 'past middle age'. Nina Caspari's mother, and Lyda Norris' philosophy were the most inspiring notes of all.
The summer has been short- but intensely hot and full of company and events. I live in the loveliest little city right at the cross roads of the world, so stop and see me on your way thru to wherever you are going. I had a call from Mabel Day, this summer from Esther Bixler. Esther was especially charmed with our town - and also with my ferns. If I have a hobby, perhaps it is ferns. My large sunparlor is filled with gorgeous ferns. They look unusually lovely in winter when all is covered with ice *** outside. I am always busy, with house and family; church work; A.A.W.H. garden club; Daughters of the Confederacy, bridge clubs - and many other things that keep me busy and happy.
I have been so happy to have had my daughter home the past four winters teaching- but this winter she is going to the Graduate School of Columbia University. She will enjoy a winter in NY but I will miss her sadly. I will have to be chief chauffeur for my husband then, as he doesn't drive a car - but has a big apple orchard for his hobby; so we go 'orcharding' very often. Our autumns are gloriously exhilerating - our Sept, Oct., and often early Nov. balmy and dreamy and drowsy in the day time; keen *** and exhilarating night and morning.
Those whose lot has been cast in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia are more than thrice blessed. Come see for yourself - feel the lure of 'the Valley'.
My love to all
Nancy Nulton Larrick
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Last Updated 8/30/99.