Dear Girls -
Seeing so many in Baltimore last June, makes this seem like resaying a lot for all of us at Reunion certainly talked ourselves right up-to date on news. But there are many who were not with us so I'll go back to 1928 when my last letter was written. I have been right here most of the time and busy, for now. Bruce Jr. is in Amherst, a Junior, B and Jane in Wellesley - B a soph and Jane a freshman. I have seen lots of the Goucher grandchildren when I go up there. Louise Lawrence's daughter is lovely. Bob my youngest boy expects to graduate from High School this June - so it looks like next winter be a lonely time here in Great Neck for Bruce and me.
Daisy, Lyda and I had such a good time going down at the Reunion. It really seemed wonderful to me that all of us had changed so little - and also wonderful that all those lovely big girls were daughters of 1903. I felt years younger after that trip. Late in the summer Bruce had to make a trip to the Coast, so as usual I tagged along. We stopped off at the Yellowstone. Isn't it marvelous! I have made quite a few trips, but really think that about the finest () continue from there to Portland and San Francisco. On our way back.
We went to the Grand Canyon and I rode a mule down the trail! I'm afraid I would never have done it, only I was afraid I'd completely lose my standing with my youngest boy, if I confessed I'd lost my nerve. So down I went and stood the sore muscles for a couple of days.
This year I planned to loaf, but I find myself working on the Building and Finance Committee of our Woman's Club with Daisy. We are trying to build a Club House. Wish us luck.
I have enjoyed the letters so. But there is sadness in them, too. It seems hard to think of Ruth having gone. She was so alive. We saw her quite often here and miss her so much.
I haven't very much news it seems - But trying to keep 3 children in College and enter the fourth isn't so small a task - it keeps us busy. If any of you get to N.Y. please me and come visit - I meet all trains - phone number is Great Neck 369.
Milly D.B. Bielaski
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Last Updated 8/30/99.