Final Paper/Project 2012



Fails to meet expectations

 (0-5 points)

Meets Expectations

(5-15 points)

Exceeds expectations

(15-20 points)

Format of the paper/ presentation


Paper/Presentation does not confirm to the format requirement (length, online sources, references, written language)

Paper/Presentation mostly confirm to the format requirement (length, online sources, references, written language)

Paper/Presentation fully confirm to the format requirement (length, online sources,  references, written language)

The author clearly and concisely identifies a problem/issue


Fails to identify, summarize, or explain the main problem or question. Presents main problem inaccurately or inappropriately.

Successfully identifies and summarizes the main problem or issue, but does not clearly and concisely explain why/how they are problems or issues

Clearly and concisely identifies and summarizes main issues and successfully explains why/how they are problems or issues.

The author elaborates on a scientific background  clearly and concisely

Fails to explain scientific  background and shows no understanding of scientific concepts

Successfully identifies scientific background but shows vague understanding of scientific

Clearly and concisely explains scientific  background and shows clear understanding of scientific concepts

The student presents experimental evidence and/or theoretical model/solution  in a clear and concise manner

Fails to formulate explanation, model or solution to the proposed problem based on experimental evidence and literature research.

Presents experimental evidence and literature research but formulates vaguely explanation, model or solution.

Formulates a clear and precise explanation, model or solution to the proposed problem based on experimental evidence and literature research.

Gives conclusion in a logical, clear and concise manner

Fails to identify conclusions

Summarizes presentation in clear and concise manner.

Not only summarizes presentation in clear and concise manner, but also identifies information for future discussion

My expectation is that you will write a minimum of 4-5 pages research paper, double spaced (including the reference page). Your paper must have proper citations and references. Web-based, non-peer reviewed source such as blogs and Wikipedia, will not be allowed.  The best paper in the class will be nominated for a publication in Verge.


My expectation is that you will present your paper in a 15-20 min presentation during the last week of classes.  Grading rubric is displaced below, each of the categories is worth up to 20 points.