All checks should be made payable to The Woman's College of Baltimore.
Non-Resident Students
The charge for non-resident students is one hundred and twenty-five dollars a year, payable, seventy-five dollars before the first day of October and fifty dollars before the first day of the following February. All fees are included in this charge.
Resident Students
The charge for resident students is three hundred and seventy-five dollars a year, payable, twenty-five dollars upon the assignment of a room, two hundred dollars before the first day of October, and one hundred and fifty dollars before the first day of the following February. This embraces:
1. Tuition (except in Music and in Art), and laboratory fees.
2. Room, board, heat, and light for the College year.
3. The care of a professional nurse in all cases where exclusive services are not required. A special nurse will be at the expense of the student for whom she is employed.
4. The washing of a dozen plain pieces each week, in addition to bed-linen.
When more than one student is from the same family, an abatement of twenty-five dollars will be made upon the charges of each student after the first. When such abatement is made two students will be expected to room together.
A deduction of fifty dollars is made to ministers, to be divided between the October and the February payments.
A resident student occupying a double room by her own choice will be charged fifty dollars additional.
No additional charge will be made for residence during the Christmans and Easter recesses, but, unless the number of residents remaining at such times should be in excess of the capacity of a single hall, only one hall will be kept open. It will be expected that residents of that hall who do not remain through the recess will temporarily relinquish their rooms for the accomodation of residents of the other halls who do remain, and residents of the halls which are closed will be expected to occupy temporarily such rooms as may be assigned them in the hall which is kept open.
Required Work.
All students are required to take a systematic course of physical training. Every student is subjected, upon entrance, and periodically thereafter, to a thorough examination by the professor in charge of the department, and the facts thus ascertained and the measurements taken are carefully recorded and preserved. If the examination should disclose reasons why she should not take regular class exercise, special exercises, adapted to her condition, are prescribed for her; otherwise she is assigned to a class. Class exercises are given three times a week for an hour at a time. Special exercises are given as often as may be prescribed in particular cases. All exercises are personally directed by the instructor, and every care is taken to prevent excessive exertion.
Withdrawals, Absences, etc.
Residence must be engaged for the whole College year. The reasonableness of this requirement is evident when it is remembered that, as a rule, rooms are in demand only at the beginning of the College year. The College must not be expected to bear losses consequent upon unforeseen occurrences for which it is not responsible. If a resident should be required to withdraw as a matter of discipline board will be charged at the rate of seven dollars a weekl the remainder of her payment, less a pro rata sum for tuition, will be returned to her. In cases of absence occasioned by protracted sickness, fifty per cent of the payment, after deducting tuition charges, will be assumed to be for rent of the room, and a pro rata deduction will be made from the remainder; but no deduction willbe made for less than half a term's absence.
Instruction in music is given in classes of two students each, engaged two hours per week for a year of thirty weeks, beginning with October and ending with May. When for any reason a student cannot be classified she will be given half-hour lessons alone without increased charges. No arrangement will be made for less than the session, and arrrangements made for the use of instruments may not be terminated until then.
Piano, Organ, Violin and Voice, each....Per year $90, per term, $50
Piano, Organ, Violin and Voice, each....One lesson a week, $50
Use of instrument for practice:
One hour daily.... $15
Two hours daily.... $25
Three hours daily.... $35
Four hours daily.... $45
Instruction begins with October and ends with May. No arrangement will be made for less than the sesion.
Course 115 .... per year $30 .... per term $20
Course 116 .... per year 40 .... per term 25
Course 117 .... per year 50 .... per term 30
Course 118 .... per year 75 .... per term 40
Course 119 .... per year 75 .... per term 40
Partial courses:
Drawing .... per year $30 .... per term $20
Painting .... per year 30 .... per term 20
Life class .... per year 50 .... per term 30
Perspective .... per course 10
History of Art .... per course 10
All the above charges for Music and Art are payable, two-thirds by the first day of October and the remainder by the first day of February.
Other Charges:
Master's fee, to be paid in advance by every candidate for the degree of A.M. .... $25
Bachelor's fee, to be paid in advance by every candidate for the degree of A.B. .... 5
Tutor's fee, to be paid whenever it may be found necessary to provide a student with a tutor ... per hour .... 1
Examination fee, to be paid whenever examinations are required to be given at other times than those regularly appointed for them .... 5
No extras
There are no necessary expenses connected with attendance upon the College that are not designated in the foregoing pages.
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Last Updated 9/22/99.
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