Residence Halls
'The College possesses three halls for residence only. They are seperate from the instruction buildings and accomodate about seventy persons each. They are substantially alike, built upon plans which were adopted after inspecting and comparing edifices for this purpose in the best institutions of the North and the East. It is believed that they contain every provision which experience has shown to be essential to convenience, comfort and healthfulness.'
Click on any picture to see a larger version
Residence Hall (173 KB)
Residence Hall (54 KB)
'A College Home' (213 KB)
Fensal Hall (103 KB)
Glitner Hall (378 KB)
Glitner Hall (62 KB)
Glitner Hall, Later (297 KB)
Glitner Hall, Later (248 KB)
Glitner Hall, Later (434 KB)
Glitner Hall, Later (63 KB)
Glitner Hall, Later (253 KB)
Fensal Hall, Later (85 KB)
Alfheim Dining Hall (205 KB)
Alfheim Library (211 KB)
Dorm Room 1899 (232 KB)
Dorm Room (265 KB)
Residence Hall Room (368 KB)
Mabel Day's Room in 1899 (51 KB)
Mabel Day's Room at Vingolf 29, 1902-1903 (55 KB)
Mabel Day's Room at Vingolf 29, 1902-1903 (64 KB)
Mabel Day's Room at Vingolf 29, 1902-1903 (58 KB)
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Last Updated 10/7/99.
Copyright 1999.