As a typical Southern girl and representative of 1903 we have chosen Martha Enochs.
We are glad to let her grace our cover page because she is well worthy in every way.
Our flowers, white roses and ferns, are symbols of her modesty, sweetness, and purity of character.
A New Publication in Attic Greek
To those who are lovers of Greek this will be a real pleasure because of its pure diction, as well as its unique subject. We wish the young author all success, but can not help wishing that the book had been presented in English.
"The Continuum of Penelope!" or "Why a Woman Should Have Her Way," a novel by Thyra Crawford, is receiving universal attenstion by reason of its attractive, though concise, style, and because of the writer's advanced views and her wonderful powers of observation. The book has already reached its twenty-first edition, and its author is reaping deserved rewards.
...Sept. 1st, 1904
A Perfectly Equipped Institution for Girls
The chair of Greek is occupied by Clara Robinson. Martha Baxter gives thorough insruction in Latin and gymnastics. Clara Kellogg has the chair of mathematics and science. Send for illustrated catalog.
We are pleased to present in this ? of our paper a portrait of our revered editor, Alice J. Dunning. She it is who has presided over all departments of the work; and she has done it with dignity, impartiality and vigor. We are sure that she will inspire in our readers the same admiration her staff holds for her.
Energetic and capable, no task ever seems too great for her ready hands. She conducts the affairs of the magazine with remarkable ease, all the endless details of management falling into place and being disposed of as quickly as they arise. With ease and grace she harmonizes all the arrangements of the great publication whose interests she has so much at heart.
She is, indeed, worthy of so lofty a position, and not only conscientiously exercises her duties, but graces the office in doing so.
Reason and rhyme and music and time
Every stanza and verse and sonnet
Are all forgotten in wonderment now
At sight of you in that bonnet.
Our grandmothers knew what garments to wear,
They were wiser than we of this age.
For which of all hats with this can compare,
To you in that bonnet all homage.
Answers to Correspondents.
My Dear Girls
Many charming letters received from my cousins in all parts of the country. It gives me great pleasure to help you in any way, either in your little difficulties concerning etiquette, dress, cooking, etc., but particularly in your love affairs.
My advice to you in every difficulty is to follow your own conscience and remember always that mother knows best.
Mabel Wiant's Celebrity Registration and Reception Office is becoming quite a feature of the magazine, and is filling a long-felt want. It saves time and labor on the part of the editors, celebrities and subscribers and at the same time furnishes enjoyment for one of the most energetic and brilliant college women of our day. A celebrity herself, Mabel enjoys, even craves, the society of her kind. When not engaged professinally, she surrounds herself with noted people, whom she entertains in her beautiful old colonial home.
Tune-Nonsense Rhymes
Lettia Ricaud is a very good girl,
And a very good girl is she;
She studies her Latin and Ethics and Soch,
And studies her historee.
But though she is good, she is also quite wise,
And alas quite wise is she
For she plays with her dolls and kittens and toys
Just as happy as can be.
Mlle. DeForests' Letter from Paris.
The styles this year, as you may see from the illustration are in the way of very elaborate and extremely ornamental gowns.
Our Parisian model is wearing very becomingly one of the latest creations in applique and point d'esprit.
The hat and sunshade are also Parisian fancies.
For the benefit of those whose household duties have become a burden, Mabel Day gives, in this number of The Woman's College Journal, a talk on how to save time. She has hit upon many clever devices to aid her, and she is able, as the illustration shows, to embroider, do handsewing, read the latest book on the tenement-house problem, and control a machine, her own invention, which washes, dries and set to place all the dinner dishes. A little foresight is all that is necessary to be an efficient housekeeper.
All in a garden fair
There came one day a maid
Her brow was heavy and furrowed with care
For sad was the task she essayed.
Down to the ground "they" fell,
All covered with wounds so dark,
And yet she scorns them all
But the one with the question mark.
We have just received a 'Marconigram' from one of our foreign correspondents that Miss Bess Brown has started from Honolulu, H.I>, on her tenth trip around the world. She has developed in to the proverbial 'globe-trotter': crossing the ocean is quite a reequent occurence with Miss Brown. She has visited all lands, and so astonishes the natives by the volubility of her pronunciation that it has become a credited fact that English (or rather American) is absolutely unintelligible.
The Children's Corner
Frances Hopkins talks on boys are a special feature of the June issue. No one is more capable of handling the subject, for after long experience she knows thoroughly their characteristics and their favorite games. Her plan is to secure the interest of the slum children, especially by meeting them in a social way.
She is a very wise woman, and remembers the old proverb,'The way to a man's heart,' etc.
Here you see Fan
And a pretty young man
Over a cup of tea.
Fan adores little boys
Nothing better enjoys
Than their companee.
The 'puzzles' are in charge of Frances Doherty, the famed unraveler of notty problems. It may appear that she is hopelessly entangled in the meshes of argument, but that she will find her way out is as sure as the fact that she loves to argue.
She always reaches the end with such graciousness and tact that no on ever feels himself conquered, but is glad to allow himself to be led by her through the tangles of his logic.
TUNE-A Warrior Bold.
In days of old, when freshmen were bold,
And professors held their sway,
A freshman bold, with hair of gold,
Sang carelessly this lay.
My days are young and fair
I've plenty of time to spare
For gym vuts few, I don't care, do you?
I haven't time to waste in there.
At a later day, so runs this lay
When gym profs held their sway
A senior fair, with auburn hair
Sang wofully this lay.
My days are sad with care
I haven't a minute to spare,
For these gym cuts few, I've so much to do,
I have to spend my days all here.
(From the Annapolis Herald)
Miss Nancy Nulton was chosen sponsor of the new U.S.S. Virgniia, which she christened last month at Newport News. Miss Nulton was selected because of her loyalty to the South and her love of Virginia. With her accustomed grace of manner she presided, winning the admiration and applause of all those present. She is on her way now to join some friends on a delightful cruise on the Mediterranean.
Contessa Beatrice Margherita Yosemite Maria Italia Francemen de Bonanine Penini is now residing in her summer home, a beautiful old Italian villa in the Renaissance style, located on the Bay of Naples.
She is as cordial as ever, and she receives her old-time classmates with the same winning grace that characterized her in the good old days at the dearly beloved Women's College of Baltimore.
Florence was a maiden fair,
Who smiled and talked most wittily.
She charmed the hearts of young and old
From Amsterdam to Italy.
She met a count upon her way
Who looked on life so bitterly,
Till she said 'yes' and now she wears
His coronet quite prettily.
Sitting together in the twilight
Dreaming fair dreams and bright
Thinking, recalling their first ideal,
Hoping the future, enjoying the real.
The ideal of one, as you see, is a stove.
The other you may guess, for it rhymes with above
The one now on housekeeping cares is bent,
The other on higher ideals intent
But each in her own loves her own ideal
Let us hope they may quickly see them made real.
Carrie Fehr, Nell Talley and Edith Powell are each as interesting to the interviewer as they are famous in the musical world. Their lives are full and busy, - full of travel, of work, of success - and they have met with unusual appreciation wherever they have appeared. The Interviewer obtained their opinions on 'How to Impress the Public', which we will publish in the July number.
TUNE-Mary, Mary
Molly, Molly, so very jolly
How does your garden grow?
With beautiful gowns
And seasons in towns,
And handsome men all in a row.
Molly, Molly, not so jolly
How does your garden grow?
With philanthropic desires
And all that Inspires
And little ragged boys all in a row.
We have received a cablegram, a photograph and a dispatch from our correspondent in Rome informing us that Nancy Catching has been steadily rising in fame ever since she went to Rome as Nineteen Three's scholarship girl. She has attained unhoped for heights of success; every difficulty has been splendidly surmounted. We see her now on the dome of St. Peter's but even this elevation does not satisfy her soaring ambition.
Every college numbers many celebrities in its alumnae list, but The Woman's College of Baltimore stands alone in counting in its ranks the foremost woman detective in the United States. Hattie made her > five years ago while residing in Vingolf, and she then decided to adopt the profession and incidentally relieve herself of some of her surplus energy.
No difficulty, either physical or mental, is too great for Hattie to overcome.
There she goes peeping
While others are sleeping
a thief
Of his gaze he's the chief.
We know she will catch him.
For in boldness she'll watch him.
Success to our detective
These four young women are practicing the long-taught theory of 'co-operation' and have started as a philanthropic attempt aChildren's Farm. No line is drawn either as to color or sex, and everybody is welcome who will work.
Margaret is manager; Arinda has charge of the housekeeping: ANna Haslup is at the head of the educational work, and Anna Slease is genral peacemaker. All four are happy in congenial pursuits, and in the consciousness of a good work well done.
'The International Sunshine Department,' edited by Miss Claire Ackerman.
Through Miss Ackerman's cheerful example, Miss Davenport has lately become a convert to the doctrine of sunshine.
Sunny Jimima and Jimima Dumps
Have found a food which they call "Force."
Thro' life, for them, all knocks and bumps
Have vanished away as a matter of course.
So they in a proper humane spirit
Are teaching the text 'before' and 'after'
That all the world may see how clear it
Is that "Force" brings nought but laughter
Championship held
at Chevy Chase
The photo is of Miss Haslup making one of her famous strikes. Miss Murphy, whois with her, holds the championship for tennis singles. Even after five years Miss Haslup and Miss Murphy are so enthusiastic over out door sports as in their college days. Their many friends will be glad in light of their many victories.
Jane of the roses - our flower girl - has consented to leave her plasters, her drugs, her thermometers, her hot and cold applications, to become the mistress of a vine-covered cottage surrounded by flowers and built just for two.
TUNE--The Wedding March
Here comes Jane Hyde,
Our blushing bride.
Shedding sweet smiles on every side
In the month of June,
When the roses blooms,
Here comes the bride, but where is the groom?
A series of popular lectures is being given in Baltimore by Lida Norris, the famous champion of Independence and fair play for down trodden women. We can almost hear her saying with emphasis:'Well now, Ithink -,' while she accompanies her words with an emphatic shake of her umbrella. This lecturer is winning unending fame in the various cities included in her lecture tour. Her unfailing food humor and friendly manner with her many converts and immediate and lasting poularity.
In the Art Department this month we are beginning a series of studies representative of the several types of college girls. Emilie Doetsch, now one of the most famous woman lawyers, is fitted both in beauty and intellect to impersonate the goddess of wisdom, Minerva.
Methought I heard a voice say 'Sleep no more'
This noise doth murder sleep. the innocent sleep,
Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course
Chief nourishes in life's lease."
The Journal has opened a new department for its correspondents. On this page in the future, all questions relating to colleges and college matters will be intelligently and cheerfully answered. The editorship is bestowed upon three well-known college women who have attended Northwestern and Bucknell, beside their Alma Mater, Baltimore.
Sing a song of colleges
They'll tell you where to go
Girls, with all their knowledge
Surely ought to know.
Laura's from Northwestern.
Helen from Bucknell-
From Northwestern enters Nanne Weakley.
Each a Baltimore belle.
Dr. Shefloe is in himself the syndicate 'back' of The Woman's College Journal and is the principal subscriber. He takes a lively interest in the publication, with, perhaps, a partiality for the dramatic department and its management. His ready help and baluable suggestions have saved thejournal from many pitfalls, and with the deepest gratitude the editorial staff, reporters, stockholders and subscribers wish to extend him their hearty thanks for his untiring patience, kindly interest and material aid. We greatly appreciate the constant encouragement he has given us, the confidence placed in us, which has been a spur to our ambition. Dr. Shefloe's ideas are ever the highest and noblest, and we have tried to live toward them, if not up to them.
SUGGESTIONS FOR OUTINGS By Nina Caspari, Charlotte Jones, and Eda Briggs
An article contributed this month by three college girls whose frequent and successful excursions make them authorities on how to have a good time. Their expeditions are a constant source of interest to their friends. If they cannot get a car, they walk; if they have no time to prepare a lunch, they do without; if it rains they do not speak of it; if classes interfere, they cut, but they never forget to take a bottle of one of Heinz's fifty seven varieties.
'Madame Sara', of worldwide fame, will appear tonight at the Metropolitan in her best-known and favorite character, 'Carmen'. This is her first appearance after five years of European triumphs, and her native city is wild with excitement over her return.
The entire house was sold a week ago.
The wise traveler who wishes to see real romance will visit Mexico. This most delightful country has so charmed Allie Mann that she has taken up her permanent abode there. She loves the people, the costumes, the sunshine and everything connected with her new home. She is an exceedingly popular hostess and has many American visitors at al seasons. The best way to go is by way of the 'Pineapple and Orange Railroad,' patronized so frequently by Miss Millie Benson. Practical and businesslike as she is, she is only satisfied with the very best railroad service. Miss Benson is too thoroughly American to wish to live with Miss Mann, but efficient train service makes frequent trips possible and enjoyable. Patronize the 'Pineapple and Orange Railroad.'
Once upon a time, as the old story goes, a fair princess was fishing one day in the corner of her father;s palace. She was not a proud princess, but well beloved by all her friends and subjects. She was always kind and good to everyone. And so this lovely day the fairy godmother, in the guise of a little cupid, came flying through the palace garden and fastened on her hook the 'Open Sesame!' - the key to all hearts 'Nabisco.'
MORAL- If you want to be popular, use 'Nabisco'.
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