Received from Northwestern Univesity into second year.
1904 Program:
Present address: 3435 Highland Place, Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio.
December 1904 Kalends:
Nan Weakley, who has been teaching German in a private school in Cincinnati, will spend the Christmas vacation in Chicago with Beatrice Gunsaulus.
November 1905 Kalends:
November 1906 Kalends:
Nanne Weakley has charge of the primary department of the "H. Thane Miller School for Girls," Cincinnati.
January 1909 Kalends:
Nanne Weakley was married last summer to Mr. Carl Hood Barth. She is living in Evanston, Cincinatti, Ohio.
November 1930 Alumnae Quarterly:
Nanne Weakley Barth writes: "I am quite busy this year as President of the Lakewood Woman's Club of six hundred members. In that capacity I attended a luncheon of 250 women given for Mrs. Herbert Clark Hoover, when she and President Hoover were here meeting the Bankers' Association, October 2nd.
I am a Director of the Lakewood College Club of 250 members- and do my bit in the Goucher Alumnae Association.
My older boy is doing graduate work at Michigan Universityl the younger one is at Dennison University. My week ends this fall will be spent at one University or the other attending football games."
July 1930 Alumnae Quarterly:
Nan Weakley Barth was unable to attend as her oldest son was graduating from the University of Michigan. Her second boy is a Freshman there. Nan is president of the Lakewood Woman's Club, a large department Club of 750 members. Besides social, church, and community activity, she is taking an extension course in "Investments" from Columbia.
July 1931 Alumnae Quarterly:
Nannie Weakley Barth has been re-elected president of the Lakewood Woman's CLub for 1931-32.
February 1932 Alumnae Quarterly:
Nanne Weakley Barth writes of a very interesting activity of the Lakewood Woman's Club of which she is a member - carol singing on Christmas Eve in the streets of Lakewood for the benefit of its Music School Settlement: "The Chairman takes a blue print of streets and cuts it into districts. Chairmen of these districts secure leaders, women and high school girls and boys. Each leader rounds up the children in the neighborhood to sing.
The supervisor of music in the Lakewood schools has carols taught in the schools. The children love to go out and hundreds of younger ones and shut-ins as well as the rest of us look for them anxiously on Christmas Eve.
About 2000 children take part. Besides there are a number of groups from churches, Lourdes Academy, Mother singers, etc. The returns have been as much as $1200 in one evening. It is the only source of revenue for the Music Settlement. There the children receive instruction for a nominal fee- some free of charge.
May 1933 Alumnae Quarterly:
Nanne Weakley Barth's son, Robert, has just married a Pittsburgh girl, so one of the itinerant alumnae who had the pleasure of seeing Nanne in Cleveland reports. They are living in Midland, Mich., where he is connected with the Dow Chemical Company.
May 1934 Alumnae Quarterly:
Nanne Weakley Barth was so set up over the arrival of their first grandson, Robert Hood Barth, Jr., on February 10, and so impatient to make his acquaintance it was only with difficulty she could restrain herself in Miami until April1, in spite of the appeal of the sunny South as against Cleveland's terrible winter weather.
November 1934 Alumnae Quarterly:
Nanne Weakley Barth, too, has had the honor of representing Goucher- at the inauguration of Louis Clinton Wright as president of Baldwin Wallace College, Berea, Ohio, on Thursday, October 18, 1934.
July 1935 Alumnae Quarterly:
Nanne Weakley Bartha and her husband paid a visit to the Alumnae Office at Goucher this spring on their way from Cleveland via New York to Miami, in a search for sunshine. They gave a good report of their two fine sons and the little new grandson.
February 1938 Alumnae Quarterly:
Nanne Weakley Barth sends greetings from New River, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where she and her husband are anchored,-on their yacht. "We've had a wonderful cruise,"she writes. "We spent ten days at Fort Myer and now we shall stay here for some time. Living on the boat is a novelty. Two months of it have made it seem like home.
November 1938 Alumnae Quarterly
Nanne Weakley Barth writes that her son, Robert, received his PhD in organic chemistry at Cornell last June. "My husband and I expect to spend the winter again at Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Last year we cruised down the Erie Canal and Intercoastal Waterway and lived on our boat all winter."
November 1940 Alumnae Quarterly:
"Had a pleasant but chilly winter in Fort Lauderdale. We are staying down to try the summer. Sold Lakewood House. Wade married Wallace Burr, of Hinsdale, Ill., in September, 1939. They have been in Jacksonville since December. Wade is electro-motive man for the Florida East Coast Railroad-streamliners- with headquarters in Jacksonville. He will probably be sent to some other job soon. Bob is doing chemical research at Heyden Chemical Co. in Garfield, N.J. He received his PhD last June.
July 1941 Alumnae Quarterly:
Nanne Weakley Barth came up from her home in Fort Lauderdale several weeks ago. She has been visiting her sons and grandchildren in New Jersey, and in Illinois, and expects to leave soon for her summer apartment in Lakewood, Ohio.
August 1946 Alumnae Quarterly:
A letter from her husband informs us of the death of Nanne Weakley Barth on June 7, 1946, as the result of a gall bladder operation. She was in Lakewood, Ohio. We extend our deepest sympathy to her family.