Refrain-Oh, we quaff the wine of a ? today,
June glories mingle and dance in its howl,
While the thought of the past with its striving and winning
Flavors the nectar we drink at the goal.
Our Olympia, peerkess in training's fair ?
Hath tested our strength in the years that are ?
And with laurel and olive our deeds to proclaim
Hath honored the works we have wrought
Hath sanctioned the ends we have sought.
Oh the duties of yesterday court us no more
They are but a glorious mercury now
But their faith and ? knowledge, their hope and rich?
Remain the fond wealth of ? heart.
Remains ? clear to impart.
On beyond, past the goal of this bright gleaming day
Stretch visions of ? more goldren by far,
On the back of the world, o'er its well-beaten way,
The sunshine of splendor there plays
The promise of triumph there stays.
We are servants of Time, who is king of the ?
So, he beckons us now to abandon the track;
To the breeze fling our banners, upon them to ?
She who wins in the conquest of self,
She has ? in the conquest of all!
Refrain- So quafing the wins of the fair today
While June glories mingle and dance in its bowl
We press toward the goals of a radiant morrow.
Our motto of conquest enthroned in each soul.
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