Dear Classmates -
So much seems to happen between Robins that it is always hard to know where to begin. The last time I wrote, my children were still in school I think, and I was busy running a full active establishment.
Now, three of them are married and the 4th in medical school and last but not least I have two wonderful grandchildren . But I will go back in more detail - In June of 1932 my oldest daughter was married to John Christian *** - a young architect who is now turning into an archeologist. Their daughter was born in August 1934 - They are now living in Holbrook, Massachusetts, after being here with us for a year/ Then our oldest son married Eleanor Tucker of Norfolk, Virginia in 1903 and they are now the proud parents of a son - my second daughter, who went to Goucher, married this past September William Sanders of Washington. She is secretary to Aubry Williams in the National Youth Administration and has kept on with her job in spite of being an old married lady - tho she will have to give it up in the near future to see to more important personal matters - that leaves Jack my youngest who graduated at Yale last June and is now finishing his 1st year work at the University of Pennsylvania medical school - It is a good deal of a satisfaction to see them all launched this far in life, very happily and fairly successfully.
All of which leaves me and Dick just about where we started out - just the two of us except for some visits from the children - However time does not bang heavily in our band, as Dick has had a very exciting two years in the city administration - appointed City solicitor in January 1904 by the newly elected mayor of Pgh, he held office until midsummer, when he was requested to resign by the same mayor who is so erratic and unbalanced that he never has the same opinion two days running. Since then Dick has become president of City Council and a constant conflict goes on between Council and the mayors efforts to block any kind of legislation that they recommend - My time is given up mostly to activities in the college club of which I am 1st vice president and to running our farm in Shepherdstown, W. Va. I have a marvellous natural rock garden there that is the joy and pride of my life - for about six months of the year I am more or less a commuter between Pittsburgh and Shepherdstown.
With best wishes to you all and an urgent invitation to any of you who might come our way either here or in W.Va. to stop in to see me, I am
Rosalie Pendleton Scully
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Last Updated 8/30/99.