Dear Classmates -
Reading Round Robin is always such an interesting experience, one wants to read and reread the letters, for they are worthwhile. Its a joy with strands of sorrow for the loss of those who will never again write to us. The last letter I read was dear Ruth Haslup's. I shall always remember her cheery 'Hello hon!' and have it warm the cockles of one young freshman's heart.
Reunion also a *** of Round Robin, was just as interesting. The place and the 'girls' weren't nearly as strange as I feared they might be. My only disappointment was the lack of time for all the things I wanted to do. Our globetrotter Florence Carmine was especially nice to Esther B. and myself. This summer she sent me a card from Poland where she was traveling.
Indeed the 1903 daughters were lovely and we were proud of them. But surely we wish for their younger sisters pleasanter quarters in that fine campus at Towson. I'm anxious to know how the new president feels about the change and if anything will be done in the near future. In my very unimportant opinion the situation is serious.
Easton has been fortunate in the last half year to be able to dedicate a fine new hospital and nursing home in a splendid site. This coming week our YWCA moves into new quarters, formerly a handsome private home in an ideal location full of activities.
Since writing my last letter, a very welcome addition to the family is 16 month old great niece who, judging by her present behavior, ought to become a first rate athlete. Her father, my nephew, has always been musically inclined, but never thought of composition until very recently. A waltz he has written for the Slumber Hour Orchestra has been broadcast several times and will be played again this week and early in December. We are naturally pleased with the nice comments made about it by the announcers and leader and members of the orchestra!
Outside of a lameness which made me resort to a cane several weeks ago and which even now interferes with interferes in the country etc. I'm all right. Father's been more or less the same, as he used to say when he registered at the poll 'just a year older, no other change' And reaching of the problem the outcome of next week's election is more problematical than any I can remember in this 'black' Republican state of Pennsylvania. What annoys me is that now when a Democratic vote might count for something I'm not keen about the candidate.
Cordially yours,
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Last Updated 8/27/99.