Dear Classmates -
Well! It certainly was a pleasure to receive the Robin again after so long a time! When Rinda brought it to me Tuesday afternoon I dropped everything else I was doing and was buried in it for the rest of the day. I did eat some dinner but my husband decided he might as well go back to the office for the evening as I was so good for purposes of sociability. It does seem as though a good many of the class have had much sorrow in these few years and I want you all to know how sincerely I sympathize. To Mabel Day and Thyra Crawford I wish to give a special message of sympathy in the loss of their husbands. That must be indeed a blow that is hard to bear!
It is hard to know where to begin with the 'story of my past life' since my last contribution to the Robin . I think my chief activities have been in working for the Greater Goucher campaign. I have been busy more or less right along since Anna Slease and I drove to Baltimore to the opening ralley. I was made chairman of the Western Pennsylvania for a time and for the past 3 years have been the active member of a group of three trustees for a loan made at one of the banks here in underwriting the 421 pledges for our district. We have all worked hard at Rummage Sales and benefits of all sorts and are quite proud of our record. I do not think any chapter of our size has shown more loyalty or interest - we really have an unusually fine group of alumnae here and each year have additions of young members who bring us the added stimulus of fresh enthusiasm - we have monthly meetings at the homes of various alumnae, and they are always quite well attended - I have gone to Baltimore a good many times as Alumnae Councillor and expect to go again next week - I am always glad of an excuse as my Elizabeth is now a Junior at College - she would have been a senior this year, but had to stay out a year as the result of an automobile accident in which her right leg was crushed and mangled most terribly. Thanks to modern surgery however, she is now perfectly all right and the injured leg is just about as good as the other one.
My most recent interest is something that will surprise you all as much as it does me - when I stop to think about it. About a year and a half ago, I took up the coloring of photographs with oil paints . All my friends have been so encouraging about it that I have gone into it professionally and am now doing the color work of the Parry Studios - one of the best in town here - So if any of you wish a miniature or photograph done in a truly life like style just send along your pictures and a detailed description of coloring etc. All the members of 1903 will get very special reduced rates! It is really great fun and gives me just the sort of occupation I need since my family is dwindling so - My oldest boy Cornelius - aged 18 - is a sophomore at Harvard. He is now six feet two but I hope has stopped growing-
Alice, or Pen (short for Pendleton) as she prefers to be called, my 22 year old is taking a course in Sculpture at Carnegie Tech and has had two 'mentions' this winter by the Beaux Arts Committee in New York. That leaves Jack our 14 year old to be accounted for- He is still at a private school here where he has led his class for the past several years. He was leading lady in the school play last winter and made quite a hit- I hope some day he can play the piano - he has studied music for sometime and has a good deal of natural ability - though he is not an enthusiast about practicing.
I was certainly disappointed at not getting back to reunion in June. I felt especially badly at being such a broken reed when it came to making the arrangements- for I was made chairman at the reunion at Charlotte Jones - when the time drew near I was farm from well and was not allowed to undertake any responsibilities by my doctor. I have been more or less under the weather for several years but manage to keep going most of the time - my doctor now says unless I reform pretty soon its me for the mayos for a complete overhauling later in the spring.
During the summer I had an interesting letter from Mable Wiant written from Vienna - In it she regretted so much not being able to come to reunion - Her plans were unsettled and she said she might spend the winter in Egypt or might return home - She evidently leads a most delightful life wandering over the face of the globe - I quite envy those of you who travel, for I never seem to get out of the *** groove that leads from Pittsburgh to the farm in Shepardstown W.Va. Except for the short trips to Baltimore or Washington where my mother in law lives.
When I was in Baltimore in the fall I had a delightful little visit with Dr. Welsh and Dr. Sherwood in their new home which they have just had built in that lovely Guilford district. I never saw any people more delighted than they are - they are almost like children with a new toy - After living so many years in an apartment, I suppose a real home is an extra joy - It is most attractively planned and was built by Edward Palms whose wife is a Goucher graduate.
Now that Robin is successfully started again after his period of inactivity I hope he will keep going. It has been a great pleasure to have had this visit with you all and when the next reunion time comes around may we all be there!
With best wishes to you all
Rosalie Pendleton Scully-
I heartily echo Frances Doherty's sentiments on war-
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Last Updated 8/27/99.