Dear Classmates,
Robin came to me this time as a Christmas present, but although he was not tagged 'Not to be opened till Christmas', I have had to wait until today to read your letters. Hattie Taylor Channell brought the two volumes to me, riding down from Frankford in a pouring rain last Wednesday, and finding me at school just as I was winding up the accounts of a cake and candy sale. It is wonderful to what different things a mere school teacher can turn her hand.
Here I am plunging right into 'school' the first thing, so since I'm on the subject, I'll finish it. I appreciated that little word from Nancy Catching about my Spanish efforts. I am still at it, and largely from the commercial standpoint, as our school (Kensington High School) offers it only in the commercial course. This work has been very good for me, as I never had much knowledge of business forms. Now I have to know something about chem in both Spanish and English, so as to train my girls to be good translators.
But just at present I have only one class in Spanish and the rest of my time is filled in with two classes in beginning Latin and two in Virgil. Although our school is in the factory district we have a pretty fair percentage who want classical work, and not a few who are preparing for college. One of my little beginners astounded me a few weeks ago by bringing me a four stanza Latin poem which she had composed, using just the words learned since last September - and the poem has form and content and only one easily corrected grammatical error. Such manifestations are very interesting in this unclassical age.
Our school is at last in its big new building and has really become the centre of large social and educational activities. We offer all courses and maintain many vigorous clubs. The proceeds of the above-mentioned candy sale were for our scholarship fund. Our pupils are learning in every way the meaning of 'service' and I must say that their response to all appeals is wonderful. Last Thursday I wish you all could have seen our girls entertaining 450 little tots from various day nurseries, orphanages, and free kindergartens in our district. Every child was given a gift and a box of goodies and was shown a royal good time in the true Christmas fashion.
Well, my little activities seem very hum-drum beside the wonderful things some of you others are doing. However, I am happy in my own little sphere, though I enjoy reading of your larger doings.
I have had two wonderful summers in Colorado, because my parents live there now, and I have climbed mountains galore. I enclose a snap of myself taken near the halfway house on the auto-road up Pike's Peak. I didn't hike there, needless to say, but made the ascent by auto in tame tourist style.
As you may note, I have changed my address. All the world has been in a fever of home buying, so I joined the van, and bought a house. You would laugh to see it - a tiny box on a tiny box of a side street, but I am very cosy in it. No, I am not afraid nights, and, yes I 'put out' my own ash can. It is great fun. When you are in Philadelphia find me in the phone book or call the Kensington High School during school hours and say you are coming out to see me. I shall be delighted to see you.
Goodbye till Robin comes again.
Cordially yours,
Thyra Crawford
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Last Updated 8/26/99.