My dear Girls;
It is years since I have used a typewriter but the suggestion that it would make reading the 'Robin' easier seems so sensible that I am going to try to write on this machine. If I had someone copy the letter I feel it would hardly be mine but I fear the mistakes may make it almost as hard to read as if I had written it in long hand.
As you see from the instructions with the list, we are changing our method of progressing and I hope it will not be confusing to write ahead to the second girl on the list. Edith Powell feels sure it will save time and if there is any difficulty please notify Edith or me. I have asked that the pictures be put in the envelope instead of on the pages so the latter will not become so torn and do hope you will continue to put in the pictures for they are so interesting.
Another change is the request that old letters be left in. Some of the girls would like to have all the letters saved so we may refer to them in later years. I have the very first letters that were written but Vol. 2 was destroyed. Please leave Vol. 3 as it is and put the new letters in Vol. 4.
Now for my 'news' which I shall try to make not too long. Mr. Flick would laugh if he saw that for I am as fond of talking as I used to be. The reunion last June was such a delight to me that I must mention it first. What pleased me especially was that after our separation of fifteen years with diversity of interests and surroundings we so thoroughly enjoyed being together again. My only regret was that I could not visit with every girl for two or three hours and next time I mean to try to arrange to do it, so all come prepared. Really I could not enjoy the Alumna meeting because I wanted to visit with the 1903 girls.
To you who have not seen Goucher lately, I will say the changes are wonderful but I should have been lonely without the classmates and the few old friends on the faculty. Most of the girls left before commencement and I was the only member of the class at the senior reception. There, as I went down the line with the senior who took charge of me, Mrs. Kellicott said, with a sweet smile at the senior, 'Is this your mother, Miss C'? I am still wondering whether I looked so old or whether she was trying to flatter the senior because of her 'young and handsome' mother.
I had two splendid visits with Dr. and Mrs. Shefloe and begged a note for this volume but none has come. Dr. Shefloe seemed to feel, and enjoyed the fact, that the girls had changed so little.
Nancy Nulton and Edith Powell each brought a daughter to the reunion and, while it may not be possible in 1920 when we should meet again according to the new schedule made by the Alumnae Association, I do hope in 1925 a number of the daughters may accompany their mothers.
For two weeks after I left Baltimore I visited among the college friends in their homes and it certainly was a pleasure to be with them and see their families.
I came home to find my baby in the midst of a twelve weeks siege of 'whooping' cough. Along with it I had charge of the Child Welfare work in our town and now am interested in the returning soldiers.
The latter rather puzzles me for while I have one nephew and three cousins in the army and I have tried to keep in touch with soldier life, furnishing proper amusements and environment for them in our small town is a problem.
With my home, the children's school work, and church work, my days are full. I try to keep in touch with current reading but, like Claire, I do not do much heavy reading. This year the club to which I belong has given its time to Red Cross work so my only 'study' was helping Margaret, my oldest who is ten, with French which she wanted to learn.
Now I may add typewriting to my 'accomplishments'. I do hope you will not have too much trouble in reading this.
With my very best wishes for a splendid year for you all I remain,
Most cordially,
Alice Dunning Flick
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Last Updated 8/25/99.